The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to all our lives over the past few weeks and has inevitably dominated news in the automotive sector, as it has in all areas of society and the economy.

The cancellation of the Commercial Vehicle Show was announced in late March – coming as the UK followed other European nations in going into lockdown, with vehicle manufacturers mothballing factories across the continent and businesses being forced into temporary closure.

The government has promised financial backing to companies to help them survive this enforced period of inactivity and it is SMEs, many of which depend upon LCVs, which will be most vulnerable with their income sources cut off, so it is to be hoped this vital support is sufficient and materialises quickly enough to keep them afloat.

The pandemic has brought the nation to a standstill – few of us will ever have seen our towns and cities so quiet with the streets almost devoid of traffic.

Arguably, the one benefit of the crisis has been the improvement in air quality, and as moves to restart the economy get underway efforts to accelerate the transition to lower-emission vehicles will surely redouble.

James Dallas is the Editor of What Van?