Software firm Fleetcheck has announced the addition of van procurement company Fleetfind to its affinity programme.

The deal means that Fleetcheck customers will receive free ply lining for using Fleetfind’s services.

Fleetcheck managing director Peter Golding said the new partnership was timely, given ongoing issues with van supply and electrification.

He said: “We know from across our user base that fleets are finding the process of buying vans difficult and time consuming. While the overall situation has improved compared to the immediate post-pandemic period, they still quite often can’t get the models they want or find others that meet their requirements, while funding can also be an issue.

“Plus, many are finding electrification a genuine challenge, not being able to identify models that provide the range and payload that is needed for their operational demands.

“This is why we are delighted to be adding Fleetfind to our affinity programme. They are specialists in identifying the best solutions in all of these circumstances and will provide a genuinely useful service for our customers.”

Fleetcheck’s affinity programme was launched in 2020, offering a range of discounted and enhanced fleet services to the company’s 2,000-strong customer base.

Fleetfind director Andy Kirby said: “We are very pleased to be entering into this relationship with Fleetcheck. We’re already taking some of their customers through our process, which involves defining their van needs, identifying the best vehicles and finance solution, and presenting them with a range of options. 

“Once a choice is made, we manage the process from ordering to fitting out and then right through to delivery.

“Our strength is that we are completely supplier agnostic. It is all about achieving the best outcome for the fleet customer.”