An increased proportion of the UK leased vehicle fleet is now made up of LCVs, according to the BVRLA.

Data from the rental and leasing industry body’s latest Leasing Outlook report, taken from members’ fleets, shows a 3.9% year-on-year increase in the number of LCVs on-fleet, compared with a 1.9% increase for cars, making overall fleet growth of 2.4%.

The report does however raise concerns about the adoption of electric LCVs, with leasing chiefs said to consider the prospect of manufacturers achieving the 10% sales mix of these vehicles this year required by the UK Government’s ZEV mandate to be “extremely ambitious”. In fact, the average CO2 emissions from new leased vans went up with the latest figures, which the BVRLA said was most likely due to a change in vehicle mix weighted towards larger diesel vans. 

The report also reveals a big increase in take-up of fleet management with leased LCVs, up by 30.1% year-on-year.