Hitachi Capital is undertaking a review of the design and build of Asda’s vans to make them more practical and economical. It said 260 renovated vans had already gone live with a further 640 expected to follow by the end of 2012.

Gary Banister, Asda’s national transport manager, said the objectives of the project were “to renovate and revolutionise the home delivery fleet in order to improve compliance, reduce costs, enhance driver behaviour and to create a step change in the industry.”

He said Asda chose Hitachi Capital to review its fleet due to its dedicated CV team and knowledge of home delivery fleets.

“We have set a target for the project of saving at least £1.2m in operational expenditure, which will be reflected in store for our customers,” Banister said.

Jon Lawes, head of Hitachi Capital Commercial Vehicle Services, claimed the company would generate savings for Asda from the design and build of its vehicles through to the review of its home delivery operation.