AXA Business Insurance carried out research showing that four out of five drivers get asked by friends and family to help them out with their vans and found that nearly half of van drivers spend up to two hours every week using their vehicle for non-commercial activities, leaving them exposed to a lack of cover.
Operators should be aware that letting another driver use their van could be contravening the terms of their insurance even if the other driver has “driving other vehicles” cover on their private motor insurance. AXA said owner’s should check with both their own insurer and the driver’s insurer before letting someone else jump behind the wheel.
Operators also risked carrying valuable goods without insurance cover by using their vehicles for non-commercial activities.
More than 30% of requests to borrow a van related to helping someone to move house while 18% were to transport furniture.
However, AXA said a third of owners were unsure as to whether they were covered under these circumstances and pointed out that in most cases the van, but not its contents, would be covered.
Similarly, 17% of requests were to assist with transporting goods for a third party’s small business, which would not be covered by some insurers if deemed to be a part time/secondary occupation, especially if a payment was involved.
Darrell Sansom, AXA Business Insurance’s boss said: “Often owners of commercial vans are “employed” by friends or family to help them move furniture or carry boxes, just because they’re the cheap option. However, the results of a theft or accident if not properly insured will almost certainly outweigh the savings made.”