The Ashford, Kent-based firm supplies businesses and schools across the South East with everything from vending machines and water coolers to beverages, confectionery and snacks. Supplied through Sittingbourne dealer Sparshatts the latest Sprinters to go into service look set to remain with the business for three years and will cover around 120,000 miles apiece during that time. SuperCups runs eight other Sprinters, a mixture of 311CDIs and 5.0-tonne 511CDIs with tail-lifts. It also operates four Vito 111CDIs.

Elsewhere, Morpeth, Northumbria greengrocer Varleys Fruit Shop has acquired a Medium-bodied Sprinter 211CDI van. The 3.0-tonner is used to collect fresh produce from the market in Gateshead and deliver it to local customers. “I’ve been running Sprinters since 1997 and I’m now on my third,” says Michael Ogle, who owns the upmarket business. His latest acquisition looks set to stay in service over at least the next four years and cover around 72,000 miles.