Transport for London (TfL) is planning to increase the standard daily London Congestion Charge from £10 to £11.50, and from £12 to £14 if paid the next day.

TfL claimed the increases are needed to ensure the charge remains “a deterrent to unnecessary journeys in central London”, and will be hosting a public consultation for Londoners to voice their opinions on the proposed increase.

Based on the consultation’s findings, TfL will prepare a report for the London mayor Boris Johnson, who will decide whether to implement the rise.

Garrett Emmerson, TfL’s chief operating officer for surface transport, said: “We do listen to the views of our customers and have made significant changes to the scheme in recent years, including the removal of the Western Extension and the introduction of the hugely popular Congestion Charging (CC) Auto Pay system.”

However, several industry figures have raised concerns over the proposed hike. Gerry Keaney, BVRLA chief executive, said: “This 15% increase in the daily charge is completely unjustified and is in effect a tax rise on essential business users who have no choice but to drive in central London. It is illogical that London cabs are exempt from the congestion charge but rental vehicles are not.”

Natalie Chapman, Freight Transport Association head of policy London & South East, added: “While the FTA is not opposed to the principle of the Congestion Charge, London’s businesses rely on freight to deliver essential goods and services, and without the logistics industry the capital would simply grind to a halt.”

The FTA has since appealed to TfL to re-think the charge, stating that it is not feasible to deliver goods on public transport, nor are alternative modes practical for the to-the-door deliveries required for central London.

The 10-week public consultation closes on 14 March 2014.